6 Of The Most Common Types Of Cyber Attacks

6 Of The Most Common Types Of Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks can target a number of victims, from individuals to enterprises and even governments.

Many businesses are not immune to cyber attacks, even when their software is tight, largely because cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated. In fact, ‘an estimated 22% of businesses and 14% of charities have experienced cyber crime in the last 12 months’, emphasising cyber attacks’ prevalence.

Cyber attacks can be extremely costly, no matter the size of your business, so it’s important to gain a comprehensive understanding of common cyber attacks.

Before we discuss the various types of cyber attacks, let’s examine the definition.

Cyber Attacks Defined

In short, cyber attacks can be defined as attempts by cyber criminals and hackers to access a computer network or system to steal, alter, destroy, or expose information.

They can damage, disrupt, and even destroy businesses, so understanding them is the first step to protecting your company.

The most common types of cyber attacks include, but are not limited to:

  1. Phishing
  2. Malware attacks
  3. Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks
  4. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks 
  5. Password attacks
  6. Insider threats 

1. Phishing

A common type of cyber attack is phishing. Phishing attacks are social engineering attacks that rely on communication methods such as email and SMS and aim to entice and manipulate the recipient to follow their instructions.

This could include sharing sensitive information, such as passwords or account numbers, or downloading a malicious file that allows the attacker to install viruses on the victim’s computer or phone.

There are numerous types of phishing attacks. These include:

  • Spear-Phishing – Spear-phishing targets specific individuals and organisations through malicious emails.
  • Whale-Phishing – As the name suggests, whale-phishing refers to attacks that target an organisation’s ‘big fish’ or whales, typically including those responsible for running an organisation.
  • Vishing – Vishing is the fraudulent use of phone calls and voice messages under the guise of being from a reputable organisation to convince the victim to reveal private information.
Cyber criminals often use malware to extract information they can leverage for financial gain.

2. Malware Attacks

Malicious software (malware) attacks are one of the most common types of cyber attacks. 

Malware is a ‘catch-all term for any type of malicious software designed to harm or exploit any programmable device’.

Malware encompasses all types of malicious software, such as spyware, viruses, and ransomware, to name a few.

Cyber criminals use malware for a variety of reasons, such as to steal financial data or to assume control over several computers to launch denial-of-service (DoS) attacks against other networks.

3. Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attacks

A man-in-the-middle attack is a type of cyber attack in which the attacker secretly intercepts messages between two unknowing parties.

This type of ‘eavesdropping’ enables the attacker to control the entire conversation.

MITM attacks pose a large threat to online security as they provide the cyber criminal with the ability to capture and manipulate sensitive information, from credit card numbers to account details, in real time.

Are you searching for ways to bolster your company’s cyber defences? Net Consulting can help.

Our cyber security services are designed to empower your organisation with intelligent cyber security solutions to defend against malware, unauthorised access, and the theft of sensitive data.

Visit our website or get in touch with a member of our team today to learn more.

MITM attacks pose a large threat to online security as they provide the cyber criminal with the ability to capture and manipulate sensitive information.

4. Denial-Of-Service (DoS) Attacks 

Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are malicious, targeted attacks designed to overload a website or network with false requests to disrupt business operations.

DoS attacks don’t attempt to breach your security perimeter. Instead, they make your website or servers unavailable, meaning users cannot carry out routine tasks during a DoS attack.

A public-facing website that becomes unavailable can severely impact an organisation’s productivity and could result in a wealth of issues, including loss of sales.

DoS attacks can often result in the complete shutdown of a site and can also be used to create vulnerabilities for another type of attack.

5. Password Attacks

Considering that passwords are the verification tool of choice for most people, it makes sense that password attacks are common. 

Cyber criminals can use various methods to obtain passwords, from brute-force methods to keystroke logging. 

The latter involves cyber criminals using a form of malware to track and record your keystrokes as you type, rendering you vulnerable to attack.

The increasing threat of password attacks emphasises the importance of companies improving their password hygiene to protect themselves.

6. Insider Threats 

Last, but by no means least, is insider threats.

This type of cyber attack poses a unique problem for organisations, as employees have access to various systems and sensitive information.

To make matters worse, people within an organisation also have a wider understanding of a company’s cyber security posture.

This information can be used to make changes and decide the best time to attack.

Cyber criminals can use various methods to obtain passwords, from brute-force methods to keystroke logging. 

How We Can Help

Businesses of all sizes must understand the various types of cyber attacks and how to address them.

Our consultants at Net Consulting believe organisations have the right to run efficiently and securely.

We provide tailored IT security consulting services, empowering you to make better decisions when securing your network.

Get in touch with a member of our team today to find out more.

Written by Jemima for Net Consulting.